Bird Nest Fern in Leaf Green B for Original Round 9cm (0.15m)
Heliconia Psittacorum, Heliconia Lady Diana in bag (0.8m)

Cinnamomum Kotoense (1.2mh)


This species is mostly used for ornamental purposes, although it's close relative is the Cinnamon spice plants (C. zeylanicum, C. cassia). It makes a great container plant and indoor collectible, tolerates filtered light, grows even more beautiful leaves in shade.

Sunlight: Full Sunlight, Partial Sunlight

Water: Water when the top inch of the soil is dry, water thoroughly until water leaves the pot. But do not overwater.

Fertiliser: Fertilise once a month with solid or liquid fertiliser.

Plant Height: Approx 120cm (vary in sizes)

Pot Size: 30cmø x 30cm

Pot Type: Comes in plastic landscape pot

*Product photo shown is for reference only. The actual plant colour, type, size & arrangement may differ from the picture

*Kindly take note when you're purchasing matching pot, the diameter has to be larger than the rootball size.

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