Bird of Paradise in in Espresson Brown Coffee Collection 18cm (0.4mH)
Peace Lily in Espresson Brown Coffee Collection 18cm (0.35m)

Dieffenbachia Americano in Espresso Brown Coffee Collection 14cm (0.4m)


Meet the coffee collection, a dark (espresso) coloured flowerpot made with coffee waste! 
Each flowerpot's use of coffee grounds in the coffee collection pots is clearly visible in colour, texture, and smell, giving the pot a natural look and feel. 

The Dieffenbachia has tough leathery foliage on tall, with upright stems. It can thrive in light to a dim corner of your home, especially in the bathroom and shady spots in the garden. 

Here's how to take care of Dieffenbachia Americano, Dumbcane Plant

Sunlight: Indirect sunlight or bright filtered light

Water: Water regularly to keep the soil moist, allowing the soil to dry slightly between watering intervals

Fertiliser: Keep plant in top form by feeding the plants with a dilute solution of liquid fertiliser every three months

Plant Size: Approx. 40cm (vary in sizes)

Pot Specifications

  • Pot Dimensions: ⌀ 14 x H 13 cm
  • Material: Regenerated Polypropylene

What's Included:

1 qty of Dieffenbachia Americano, Dumbcane (0.4m)
1 qty of The Coffee Collection 14cm in Espresso Brown
1 qty of matching water indicator

* Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual plant colour, type, size and arrangement may differ from photo.


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