Assorted Colours Saintpaulia, African Violet (0.15m)
Epsom Salts (500g)

Soluble Kelp Powder (250g)


STARX Kelp Soluble Powder is an seaweed extract (0-0-17), highly concentrated organic kelp made from Ascophyllum Nodosum. It provides over 60 assorted chelated nutrients and growth enhancers including and extra potassium boost for plant metabolism.

It is 100% organic natural plant food contains a wide range of trace elements, vitamins, amino acids and naturally occurring hormones that stimulate plant growth.

An excellent source of food for both beneficial bacteria and fungi. It's also an excellent source of potassium and increases available nitrogen to plants.

A highly effective natural plant fertilizer and organism food that enhances seed germination, promotes healthy root development, increases disease resistance and accelerates leaf shoot and stem development.


  • Healthier plants
  • All natural fertilization
  • Faster Assimilation
  • Excellent for soaking seeds or bulbs just prior to plantings to improve germination rate, health and vigor in the earliest stages of growth.
  • Strengthening cuttings, transplants, bare rooted trees and shrubs when used as a root dig before transplanting.
  • Foliage feeding both indoor and outdoor plants.
  • Greening up athletic turf, lawn and livestock pastures with spring applications.

Usage Directions

  • Use as a foliar spray or irrigation application every 14 to 21 days.
  • Use 5g of STARX Kelp Soluble Powder per 10 Ltr of water for young plants (7 to 14 days plant).
  • Use 8g to 12g of STARX Kelp Soluble Powder per 10 Ltr of water for ornamental trees, shrubs, fruits, vegetables or lawns.

Ornamental Trees and Shrubs: 8g to 12g per 10 Ltr of water
1st - at bud formation
2nd - 2 weeks later
3rd - 14 to 21 days

House Plants: 5g per 10 Ltr of water
1st - at emergence of transplant
2nd - every 2 weeks
3rd - once per month at dormancy

Lawns: Diluted by 1 : 2000 or 1 : 5000 (16g to 25g per 20 Ltr of water)
Start foliar application at initial growth stage and ontinue at 3 to 4 weeks intervals. Make additional applications after periods of stress or heavy use, or to newly applied sod, and as late season spray to help improve resistence to kill and frost damage.

Fruits and Vegetables: Beginning at pre-bloom
8g per 10 Ltr of water. Repeat every 3 to 4 weeks throughout growing season. With blueberries, add one additional treatment 2 to 3 weeks after harvest.

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