BAN LEE HUAT Seed HF05 Bamboo Leaf Kang Kong
Potted Pothos Bush in Black Melanie Pot (0.90m)

BABA FR-202 Celosia Olumisa


Quantity : +/- 50 seeds

Maturity : 55 - 60 days

How To Start your Seeds

  1. Place seeds on the seedling soil and cover with a thin layer of soil.

  2. Water twice a day until germination occurs.

  3. When the seedlings have 2 true leaves, thin out the excess seedlings stage by stage (remove weak and crowded seedlings), maintain a 10-15cm gap between plants, and the removed seedlings are edible.

  4. Top-dress with Mr Ganick 549 Organic Flower Bloom Fertilizer weekly. You may put the fertilizer in the middle of the gap between two plants, cover with soil, and water after fertilization.

  5. Your seedlings are expected to flower in 55-60 days from the transplanting date.

Planting Tips: 

Plant in well-drained soil.