Heliconia Variegated (0.5m)
Heliconia 'American Dwarf' (0.6m)

Drosera paradoxa, Sundew Drosera Peacock (0.08m)


Drosera Paradoxa's leaves have long petioles and small, round leaf blades which are armed with red, sticky tentacles. They are arranged compactly in a rosette, forming a fountain-like shape. Insects that find themselves on the sticky tentacles become slowly digested, providing nutrients to the plant.

Sunlight: Partial sunlight to full sun 

Water: 3-4 times a week. 

Fertiliser: Recommends slow-release nitrocote or organic lactobacillus Aquis fertilizer.

Plant Size: Approx. 8cmH (vary in sizes)

Rootball/Pot size: ø8cm x 8cm Height

Pot Type: Sold with plastic pot as shown with a drainage hole.  

* Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual plant colour, type, size, and arrangement may differ from the photo.

*Kindly take note when you're purchasing a matching pot, the diameter has to be larger than the rootball size.