Calathea Majestica 'White Star' (0.5m)
Cryptanthus bivittatus, Pink Starlite , Pink Starlite Earth Star (0.15m)

Fittonia sp., Nerve Plant (Green) (0.05m)


Fittonia sp., also known as nerve plant or mosaic plant is a spreading evergreen plant of various coloured leaves with contrasting coloured veins. It is usually kept as a houseplant and it is the ideal plant for terrariums and bottle gardens.

Sunlight: Fittonia plants thrive in both filtered sunlight or artificial light. Exposure to direct sunlight may cause burns to the leaves.

Water: Water regularly, keeping soil moist. Fittonia plants show signs of shriveling on the leaves if they receive insufficient water.

Fertiliser: Fertilize by spraying the plant with liquid fertilizer as directed.

Plant size: approx. 5cm tall (vary in sizes)

Rootball size: 8cmø x 6.5cmH

Pot type: Plant comes in colourful landscape pot (random colour with drainage holes)


* Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual plant colour, type, size and arrangement may differ from photo.

* Kindly take note when you're purchasing matching pot, the diameter has to be larger than the rootball size.



Soil Medium

A good moisture retaining soil mix can be used. Special terrarium soil mixes are also available for sale, these soil mixes provide the right amount of water retention for Fittonia plants.

Terrarium Usage

Terrariums are an ideal environment to grow Fittonia plants due to the high humidity and moist soil conditions which the plants prefer. Using terrarium soil mixes with the plants in a terrarium will allow you to leave the plants up to a month without watering. Do not over water terrariums as water logging will cause the Fittonia leaves to yellow.

Light and Water Requirements

All plants depend on light for their survival, thus making sure your Fittonia plants get the right amount of light is key to keeping them happy. In a container pot or terrarium, group your plants with other plants of similar light and water requirements. Don't mix shade lovers with sun lovers in a single pot; one or both of them will be unhappy, depending on where you place the pot.

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