B. for soft round 18cm in Leaf Green
Brussels Round Wheels 40cm in Anthracite

Cologne Mint, Bergamot Mint, Orange Mint (0.3m)


Eau de Cologne mint, also known as orange mint and bergamot mint, is a hybrid of Mentha aquatica var. citrata and Mentha × piperita. Used for centuries to treat ailments such as stomach aches and nausea, this 0.3m plant provides a host of medicinal benefits.

Sunlight: Partial Sunlight, grows best in Full Sun

Water: Soil should be moist and not allowed to dry out for long periods

Fertiliser: Recommends slow-release nitrocote or organic lactobacius Aquis fertilizer.

Plant Size: Approx. 30cmh (vary in sizes)

Rootball size: 15cmø x 12cmh

Pot Type: Plastic Landscape pot with drainage holes

* Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual plant colour, type, size and arrangement may differ from photo.

* Kindly take note when you're purchasing matching pot, the diameter has to be larger than the rootball size

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